Peake Pets Pooch Photo Competition

WIN WIN WIN Peake Pet Care Grooming Goodies, Health Therapies & Dog Treats!

Enter your dog in in our Peake Pets Pooch Photo competition here... simply upload your photo below, fill out our short form (email address, dogs name and location) and we will add your photo to our competition Album on Facebook.

1st Place (Based On Likes/Votes)

2nd Place (Based On Likes/Votes)

And three prizes chosen by us for the...
- Cutest Photo
- Best Action Shot
- Most Picturesque.

These last three prizes aren't judged on likes.

You can view our current competition here


The competitions are seasonal, so we run 4 a year (Winter, Spring, Summer & Autumn) and each competition runs for the the duration of that particular season.

Please note we can only accept one entry (ie photo) per person.

Good luck everyone